Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Happy Birthday Sunny Belle!

Happy Birthday to Sunny Belle!  It’s hard to believe that it’s been a whole year since I made the decision to try my hand at making a business out of something I actually enjoy doing!  I’ve always wanted to start my own small business but wasn’t sure which of my ideas would take root.  I do have a few more ideas up my sleeve and who knows if I’ll find the time to make those come to fruition?  I fully intend to try.  

But for now, I am simply tickled that something as fun to me as painting glassware and ceramics has taken off the way it has over the last 12 months.  Nearly 250 orders have come in over the last year and considering that my main venue for advertising is Facebook and word of mouth, which manages to steer people to my website, I don’t think that’s half bad!  

This is so exciting to me and I hope to expand Sunny Belle even more in 2012. (IF I can find the time...  Let’s keep in mind I have a full time “8 to 5” job aside from Sunny Belle, in addition to raising kids! Yikes!)  But it’s all good.  Ideas are sprouting, the customer base is growing and now I even have an ETSY store!  As I always tell my favorite aunt, it’s all blue skies from here! 
To show my appreciation, SunnyBelle is holding a three day sale from Friday, February 3 to Sunday, February 5 for 25% off all new orders!    (Remember to mention "BIRTHDAY" when you place your order to get the discount. Thanks again for supporting Sunny Belle and making this first year a great success!  Cheers!

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